Intellect of life

3 min readAug 9, 2019


Every day to day life, we see different things and act accordingly. There’s no way to act upon it, if it is negativity. There’s no such mirror which gets to see only positives and no negatives. We all live in the illusion of being perfect. Never try to make outer world perfect instead make your inner world perfect. Thought is a word portrayed as an image in the inner brain, which creates a chain leading to thinking. Thus, there’s a difference in thought and thinking. There are two types of thinking ; one of which keeps the same image on roll on and other one is make a change giving our thought a direction.

We all know on theoretical approach but on practical approach it becomes different. Only thing is we have to be aware of it. We get to understand people and attain maturity level in life. Mind gets deviated when we fail. We have to control our mind, be giving a check to our negativities and working upon it. Thoughts become like a spring, which keeps on falling. When we think if we achieve this, our problems will end up. But this isn’t like that after we achieve what we want, again new problems arises. What we want basically is we don’t want no negative thoughts, but that’s not possible. We have many examples in our day to day life, for example why does cat go behind rats ?

Actually, we have given the control of our mind in others hand but it should be in our hands. Mind control is nothing but an illusion. Perspective and Thought are two different things. When we are silent, at that time the word which gets pictured in form of image which is related to something is called Thought. Thought is language, which we used to clear our understanding. It all comes just in seconds only a word or image is needed. Thus life is not about If’s and But’s. Thought process should be of help to move ahead with the problems. A Word is not the real thing, what we talk about it, think about it; It has nothing to do with reality. The word mind is not the real mind, until we actually get to deal with it.

Language is just a mode of communication. Every article in the world has their own role to play. Thought also portrays the mode of communication. We have to understand the place value of language. Meditation gives us power to stay calm and focused. Relaxation is different than Reality. When we relax thought comes to an end for sometime, but when we get up again thought process gets aligned and starts working. In thoughtless state, nature automatically does their work . Thought has to be used as a communication tool when want to learn something, and have to use in right place. If we achieve this state, we get to control our mind and thoughts.

We all have worn different color of specs in our life. That’s the reason we get to see things differently according to the color of glass of specs. Thus there’s a difference between illusion and reality. Thought process gets aligned according to illusion which we portray to see. Thus, It’s all about how we see things. We should also see the other illusion is there’s nothing impossible in this world. The day one gets to see this side of reality, full life will change. THUS ACCEPT THE CHANGE AND BE THE CHANGE.

