Feel Perfect from Inside

3 min readAug 26, 2019

When we say it’s simple, that itself paves the way of giving the result of outcome of our tasks. When we see any individual better in any capacity from us, we feel or get unreliable which is Inferiority Complex. It occurs because of the comparison from each other in our everyday life. There are different kinds of weaknesses or envy in our inward personality. There’s no one in this world who are left out of this feeling. The general reason of this is COMPARISON in outer as well as inner world.

As we all are trying to show our best in this world, thus how to keep ourselves away from such complexes! Insecurities happens due to lack of self confidence. There comes a scenario, where we get to see only that phase through which we ought to feel jealous. There is a reality behind comparison, which is also accompanied by virtual reality. To see it as virtual reality liberating ourselves from such things then understand it as virtual only it will liberates us from virtual reality. If we get to see the truth of a lie, as truth in real then there is nothing but fake world which is portrayed to us as reality.

In order to clear the confusion or doubt in fake vs reality, observe the reality of nature, because nature always checkmates us showing the truth . Here in fake world of competition we often try to copy others proving ourselves just to satisfy our EGO. Like this if we keep on running in this fake world the results will also be fake or virtual. Then comes comparison based upon reality. In this virtual world of comparison, we get into an unreal, impractical competition just like running the race blindly without knowing the end result or destination. The outcome will also be fake or virtual. Do you just want to do what is expected from you or do the right thing ?

Complexities also have attained a certain level in our life. If we compete where we are best in field, then that comes as a healthy competition. We need to look into ourselves, giving a second thought. Never act like a foolish, following the virtual world, competing in field of your weakness that itself is a end. Thus, if we can deal with inner complexities, we can deal with outer world as well.There are some things needed to be changed in one’s life.In this outer world just need to handle relationships, oppositions which is very easy. If our mind is sorted out things become easy to us. Problems in this world come on mind level, just have to keep oneself calm and focused. No one in this world will be then able to deviate us in achieving one’s goal.

Thus, never feel insecure from others but work on ourselves. Self build-up is most important.We are the one to decide paving the way of our life. We can be free from all insecurities when we only keep focus on oneself and taking it ahead in continuity. Every one is special in their own way. Every one wants to achieve success, we have to be an eternal winner not fake winner CHOICE IS YOURS !!

